Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Waking up to a big cat head staring at me . . .

. . . Since the diet started, Random Cat now jumps up on the bed and meows directly into our faces to wake us up so she can be fed. Oh joy! . . .

. . . The Strategic Planning class I had last night went OK - you can only get a brief overview of the process in less than 2 hours. A lot of it I already knew just from being around for so long, but it was good to have what I knew confirmed as correct. I'm really getting excited about learning more organizational capacity stuff, since I am genuinely interested in making non-profits work better. Maybe it is a field of study I should look into more closely . . . although I have a feeling the classes and readings would just be dreadfully boring . . .

. . . I started reading a book called Ways of Seeing by John Berger. I only had a few minutes to start it before my class last night, and now wish a had a bit more time to focus on it since it cries out to be chewed on and thought about a bit . . . if I am able to give a book report, I definitely will . . .

. . . Somebody at work shared the DVD of Lilo and Stitch with me, since I said I never saw it and it is their favorite movie. Has anyone seen it? Is it cheesy in a good way? . . .

. . . ESL class tonight, talking about parts of the body, symptoms and illnesses. This lesson is always fun . . . somebody usually says something out of left field, and I'm hoping for that tonight . . . I desparately need a good laugh . . .

. . . If you haven't noticed, I'm going back to the random blog thoughts. If I don't do that, it will be weeks between posts . . . Hope everyone's doing OK . . .


Virginia Gal said...

I can't wait to hear more about the cat diet, I have a feeling she is going to get crankier.

Merci said...

When my work schedule changed a couple of months ago, we had to start feeding the dogs earlier. Now they expect to be fed early, even on weekends and holidays, and the one dog starts looking for us at about 5:00 AM. We don't have to be up until 6:00 on work days. Groan.