Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another Random Meme . . .

I’ve been tagged by Virginia Gal, so here goes . . .

1. First blog you ever read? The Anonymous Rowhouse, of course!

2. What inspired you to start your own? Justrose’s writing. Thought that it might improve my writing and provide a great outlet for my thoughts. HA!

3. The best and worst about blogging? BEST – finding out that others are going through the same stuff you are, not feeling alone, learning about other folks and what they do and how they live. WORST – showing off my really lousy writing and disjointed thoughts. Not having anything to say sometimes, or being too busy to write.

4. Who was the first person to comment on your blog?

5. What has been your most popular blog entry? I think it was my “A Writer is One Who Writes” one . . . I’m actually very proud of that bit of writing . . . it just came pouring out of me one day and needed to be put down on paper. However, if I wait to write in my blog for times that I am similarly inspired, the blog would have two entries in it.

6. If I re-named my blog I would call it…... I kind of like “Candle in the Window”

7. If my blog had a theme song it would be… At this point, Talking Heads “Once in a Lifetime”

8. If my blog was a room it would look like…..I guess like my living room, but with more comfortable furniture. Lots of newpapers and magazines lying around. Much clutter. Radio playing. Me at my laptop sprawled on the couch, looking at random stuff and working on 3 different projects at the same time.

9. Five bloggers I would like to have over for dinner – Merci, Virginia Gal, Justrose, Danielle & Pax . . . in another grouping, I’d like Dean Dad, Jo(e), New Kid, Scrivener, Profgrrl, & Dr. Crazy and just be a fly on the wall and listen to them talk for a while.

10. Two bloggers you would like to set up on a blind date – I don’t know a lot of single bloggers, but there a few friends that I wish I could set Virginia Gal up with . . . .

11. Somebody I wish had a blog? My friend, J, just because I love his writing and wish he’d share more of it with the world, not just on the stage . . .

12. If you were only allowed to read one blog ever again. Which blog would it be? Anonymous Rowhouse, of course!

13. Is there a fellow blogger you would like to snog/shag/do rude things to? Nope, he doesn’t blog . . .

14. Discover a blog. Link to a blog that you have recently found, or a blog you have been reading for a while and haven’t blogrolled. Scott McLemee’s blog (http://www.mclemee.com/id4.html) – he writes a column for Inside Higher Ed now, formerly of Lingua Franca, and honest to goodness I believe I went to a book group meeting at his house once years ago . . . I love his writing too . . . the way he writes, he reminds me of a friend of mine very much.

I’m supposed to tag more people, but I think I’ll just leave it open . . .


jo(e) said...

Oh, invite me to dinner. I would definitely come.

Virginia Gal said...

oh thanks Random Kath (you know a few people to set me up with) that is so nice to be thought of :)

Merci said...

Thanks, Random Kath. That would be an interesting evening, indeed!