Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Two Quick Notes

(1) My Microeconomics class this semester, at first glance, is going to kick. my. butt. Seriously. But it will be in a good way, and if I complete it successfully I will be well set up for future economic study - I am quite sure of it. At least I'm being optimistic to start out . . .

(2) I've fixed the e-mail address attached to this blog so it will be much easier to check that mailbox daily. My old e-mail was a pain to check, so I would only check it, oh, once every month or two . . . or three. Ooops! Especially oops when people would ask me questions, so if I've taken forever to get back to you, I promise that I will never do that again, to the best of my ability. Mea culpa!

There might be more changes to the blog this year, but it will be dependent on how much time I can spare and whether I feel like learning WordPress . . .

I'm waving a cheery hello to you all!


CS said...

Microeconomics. All I can say, Kath, is better you tham me!

Virginia Gal said...

hello back to you babe!

Microeneomics is tough, no doubt about it, I took it a year ago. But with careful study you can do it. I'm not a numbers person but I managed to make an "A" in the class...one of the few students who did. I have faith in you!