It’s March – woo hoo! Mr. Random’s birthday is this month and I have no idea what to get him that would be special. I have some things in mind but because he’s going to be graduating in May, I want to save really nice gifts for then. We may just go have a nice dinner somewhere and call it a day for now . . .
I have a Georgia O’Keefe calendar by my desk. The month of March has a beautiful picture of two bright yellow flowers on a gray/white background, which is very cheery and uplifting to me. I need all the cheer I can get!
The next few days are going to be in the 60s here in Northern Virginia, which is kind of a waste when you think about it since I am going to be stuck at work and in meetings all day. I’m going to try to sneak outside to get some lunch and hope I can get enough healing sunshine from that . . .
I had a very enjoyable weekend: On Saturday I saw the movie, Chicago Ten, and on Sunday I saw the Ibsen play, Hedda Gabler. A bit of running around, but it always makes me so happy to have activities to go to and new things to experience on the weekends. The play was rather cheap, since it is a small local acting company who will soon have to find new digs other than the abandoned warehouse that is currently its home.
When I was out yesterday, I was sitting in a coffee shop where they had local artists’ work on the wall for display and sale. Looking at the works made me want to start taking photos again and think of ways maybe I could sell a few of them at an art show or two. I have a photo printer now and there are a few pictures that are interesting enough that people might want to buy. I have a feeling that it would be an expensive project to undertake, so I’ll just keep mulling it over for the time being . . .
OK, to change gears for a moment, my newest thing is for the month of March to cut out a lot of dairy, soy and grains in my diet. Now I’m usually not one of those diet freaks who follows whatever trend is going around – I’m more of the “eat less, eat healthier, exercise more” school of living. However, I’ve notices that in the past several months, whenever I eat or drink certain things I feel horrible and sluggish afterwards. I’ve been trying to reduce the amount of starches that I eat, but after reading an article in Health magazine I thought I would try this for a month and see what happens, and then start adding them back into my diet sparingly. This also will help my goal of eating more fruits and veggies and not get as filled up on rices and pastas, as can easily happen with a lot of stuff that Mr. Random and I usually eat. I’m also learning to size portions a bit better and not try to eat mounds of nut and berry mix as a snack – a handful should suffice at a time.
This is the week before Spring Break - for both college and the ESL program – but I’m not going to get much rest or time off at this point because of work. It would be a great opportunity to take a week and get caught up on all sorts of reading and get a bit ahead in some other things, but alas, that is not going to happen. Bummer.
Well, this has been a crappy blog post, but I wanted to pop in and say hi, I’m alive and kicking around, just not visiting very much. Sending much love to all . . .
I've always loved O'Keefe's paintings.
The dairy I get, and even grains, especially if processed, but why soy?
I think you should just do a nice dinner and than say you're saving up for a bang-up gift for graduation - say maybe a trip to somewhere fun, like Denmark????
COTW: I believe the "no soy" part is to make one realize how much random soy products are in foods that you would never think about. It's such a cheap filler that's it's used in all sorts of things.
This experiment is definitely making me read labels a bit closer and, while I've only been doing this for a few days, I am feeling a bit clearer and am eating a lot better. I actually took the time tonight to make some fruit salad for breakfast tomorrow and some chicken and veggies for lunch, not relying on the usual microwave lunches that is my easy way out.
We'll see if this lasts the full month . . .
Virginia Gal: Man, I wish! Unfortunately, we're going to have to hold of on any grand trips for a while, as Mr. Random's loan payments start kicking in . . . but I am planning on whisking him off on Monday for a nice dinner and a movie - he wants to see "In Bruges," which I've heard is pretty good . . .
HEY what do you mean a crappy blog!? no blog is crappy! it keeps us blog friends in touch! so stop that immediately-consider that a mommanatorism!
love O'Keefe too- so bright and colorful. Enjoy the weather & spring break both are gonna be great. maybe work, but some time in between! to treat yourself without thinkin of the other stuff
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